Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines day

Happy Valentines day, love MMM
so my boyfriend (aaron) got me a teddy + a million hershey kisses for Valentines day, i love the bear. the name of the bear (according to the card) is snuggs and i find this absolutely adorable! MMMmmm this boy just knows me to well. doesnt that teddy look so snuggly? so on the up+up side Maz has lovingly crafted us a wonderful banner for the site. unfortunatly nobody knows of the site ..yet -mollie

According to Sigmund Freud, dreams are wishes. He gives examples of this by recalling a girl who wanted to sail longer and cried when her parents told her she had to go home, yet later dreamed that she was sailing. This symoblizes how she wished to keep on sailing. Freud later goes on to say that sometimes dreams can be distorted, so that the wish isn't always clear as it usually is in the dreams of children. So tell me, Freud, when I dream of an epidemic killing the nation, going up to the boy I yearn for and spilling my guts, and holding him in my arms and kissing his hair until he died of whatever disease was sweeping the nation... Am I supposed to believe that I wanted to hold him, or I wanted him to die? Thank you, Siggy, for confusing me further. And you're supposed to be the great modernist psycho-analyst? Poo upon you.


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